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Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy Melbourne

Seeking out professional help can seem like a big step.


  The impact of challenging life experiences can be overwhelming, and every person reaches a point in their life where they are faced with a clear choice: continue on struggling, or deal with what’s going on, and find a way forward.  


You don't have to do this on your own, and everyone deserves support to get back on track to the life you want to live. 


When you're ready, it's important to seek out an experienced professional who is trained in specialised modalities that are effective in working with complex issues.  Rather than just talking about things rationally or giving you better coping strategies, we can really slow things down, wonder together, and develop some curiosity and compassion towards your current challenges.


We can start to look at the big picture and see the connections between what’s happened to you, and the common consequences including emotional reactivity, rocky relationships, lost jobs, addictive behaviours, shame, and even violence. 



Getting started is easy:

1. Click on "Connect", or either call or email me.

2. We'll have a chat to get a sense of what you're going through, and how I can help.  

3. We'll meet and create an individual plan to improve your health and well-being, and continue to meet to work through this plan.










03 9068 5212


393 Spencer Street, West Melbourne 3003

Thanks for getting in contact. I'll be in touch with you shortly.

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