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Writer's pictureSean Cuthbert

Men and their angry parts

Updated: Aug 23, 2024

A primary focus in the presentation for therapy for many men is their experience of anger, or getting to know their parts that carry some angry. "I don't want to be angry" or "My wife tells me my anger is a problem" is often the explicit or implied message that many clients give early on in treatment. This might be a message coming from within them from a critical part, or it's a message they are getting from the people close to them. Many clients referred through the criminal justice system are actually directed to community programs that sell themselves as "anger management". Technically speaking, I would dispute that anger is ever "a problem". Anger is a natural emotion that we all feel on a daily basis. Like all emotions, anger gives us information about perceived fairness or injustice and what is getting in the way of this. What is often a problem is the behavioural response to anger, and how when this response starts to manifest in a way that hurts others (through the use of verbal or physical abuse) or themselves (through habitual flooding ones system with cortisol thereby having an adverse effect on blood pressure). There are plethora of approaches to anger in counselling, but a lot of them look primarily at "angry thoughts", teaching cognitive skills like "thought challenging" which sidelines the focus on the primary aspect of an anger response - the physical. Anger manifests itself physiologically before it does cognitively (i.e., you sense anger before you think anger), so being able to notice the physical correlates of anger as it arises and the impulse to act out, and then take reparative action to come into relationship with anger and provide it with a calm presence (assuming the situation calls for it) so your Self can come online and you can consider a less destructive response is a key skill to develop. So consider what are the physical signs that you are becoming angry?

A man blended with an angry part

I've heard clients describe a multitude of ways they notice anger in their bodies: fists clenching, becoming flushed, prickly sensations, numbness, sudden sweats, muscle tension and tightness, clenched fists, activation in the chest, feeling nauseated - the list goes on. The earlier you can become aware that something has triggered anger, the more likely it is that you can activate some presence or calm to bring you back to emotional equilibrium. But the noticing of your particular experience of anger is the first step. Without that piece, it's unlikely that the behavioural response to anger will be met appropriately.

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